To the Parent's and Student's of Cutter Morning Star High School. We will start the 2020-2021 school year on Monday August 24. The School day will begin at 7:50 am and it will end at 2:15 pm at the High School. From 2:20 until 3:20 our teachers will work with our Virtual Students. At 2:15 student's who do not participate in extracurricular activities will be released to go home. We will run buses and parent's will pick up their kids if they don't ride the bus. Please make arrangements to pick up your children if they are car riders. If you have any questions please email
To the Parent's and Student's of Cutter Morning Star High School. We will start the 2020-2021 school year on Monday August 24. The School day will begin at 7:50 am and it will end at 2:15 pm at the High School. From 2:20 until 3:20 our teachers will work with our Virtual Students. At 2:15 student's who do not participate in extracurricular activities will be released to go home. We will run buses and parent's will pick up their kids if they don't ride the bus. Please make arrangements to pick up your children if they are car riders. If you have any questions please email Matt Carter @
To the Parent's and Student's of Cutter Morning Star High School. We will start the 2020-2021 school year on Monday August 24. The School day will begin at 7:50 am and it will end at 2:15 pm at the High School. From 2:20 until 3:20 our teachers will work with our Virtual Students. At 2:15 student's who do not participate in extracurricular activities will be released to go home. We will run buses and parent's will pick up their kids if they don't ride the bus. Please make arrangements to pick up your children if they are car riders. If you have any questions please email
To the Parent's and Student's of Cutter Morning Star High School. We will start the 2020-2021 school year on Monday August 24. The School day will begin at 7:50 am and it will end at 2:15 pm at the High School. From 2:20 until 3:20 our teachers will work with our Virtual Students. At 2:15 student's who do not participate in extracurricular activities will be released to go home. We will run buses and parent's will pick up their kids if they don't ride the bus. Please make arrangements to pick up your children if they are car riders. If you have any questions please email Matt Carter at
Please watch the following videos for the morning drop off and the afternoon pickup.
For the Elementary:
For the High School:
Welcome our new High School Teacher Tammie Spetsieris!
Welcome our new k-12 Teacher Tasha Hines!
Link to High School Training recording on 8-20-2020.
Memo: From the Superintendent
To: Cutter Morning Star Community
This morning, Cutter Morning Star was notified that Cutter-Morning Star community boundaries are labeled as one of the 18 COVID hot spots in Arkansas.
I want to take this opportunity to inform you of the COVID-19 statistics related to our staff and students. Two staff members have tested positive over the summer and were quarantined and have fully recovered. One of those two members was not present on campus. To my knowledge zero students have tested positive.
The state has determined our area to be a hot spot due to cases in the community boundaries, not the school district specifically. We plan to continue with the start of school Monday, August 24th and are so excited to see our students. We are following recommended CDC cleaning guidelines and can assure you our campus will be sanitized and as safe as possible. Our priority is to provide a safe learning environment for all students. Please review our Ready for Learning Plan on our website. Feel free to contact our district with any questions. Go Eagles!
Ready For Learning plan Link:
Video Link:
Welcome our new High School Teacher Madison Staton!
Welcome our new Choir Teacher Maria Pinkerton-Richardson!
If you need to drop off medication for your child that will be attending school, Nurse Tasha will be available by appointment. If you are not able to make the time scheduled, please contact Nurse Tasha, so arrangements can be made.
Aug. 20th- Aug. 21st
Times: 8:00am – 3:30 pm
Please call or email to schedule your appointment time and make sure all required paperwork is completed.
Office Phone #501-262-2414
Cell Phone #501-385-3719
All Files Location:
Asthma Action Plan:
Food Allergy Action Plan:
Medication Authorization and Release:
Seizure action plan:
Welcome our new High School Teacher Courtney Lowe!
Welcome our new Head Football Coach Matt Kinsinger!
Welcome our new High School Teacher Katelin Goss!
Welcome our new High School Counselor Adam Stage!
Welcome our new High School Teacher Anna Chambers!
Welcome the new District Nurse Tasha McGhee.
Graduation Live feed link:
Starts at 7 pm. August 7, 2020.
To ALL: Cutter Morning Star High School will be hosting Parent Trainings on our NEW Learning Management System. Please see schedule below: CMS HS Learning Management System Training: ALL High School Students will be using the Canvas Learning Management System this year including students who are going to attend school on site and those students who are going to do off site learning. These Introductory meetings to explain to parents what Canvas is and general login/ accessing content.ARE most important for parents to attend. EAGLES EVERYDAY: Parents/Students learning at school (onsite) - August 18th training - A-J - 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.- K-Z EAGLE VIRTUAL ACADEMY AND EAGLES WITH OPTIONS: Parents/Students learning at home (all or partial online/remote) - August 20th training - 5:00 p.m. ALL meetings will be in our New High School. All attendees will be required to wear a face mask. We will have hand sanitizer available. And please follow CDC guidelines for social distancing. ALSO please self screen an hour prior to the meeting. . If any person has any of the following symptoms that indicates a possible illness and could put them at risk for spreading illness to others, we are asking that you not attend this training and we will make it up at a later time. Symptoms to Self Check · Temperature 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher when taken by mouth · Sore throat · New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for anyone with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline) · Diarrhea, vomiting or abdominal pain · New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever Close Contact/Potential Exposure Self Check · Have you been in close contact (within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes) with a person with a confirmed COVID-19 · Traveled to or lived in an area where the local, Tribal, Territorial, or state health department is reporting large numbers of COVID-19 cases as described in the Community Mitigation Framework · Live in areas of high community transmission Thank you for your cooperation to help keep our CMS community safe. Please contact us if you have any questions. CMS HS 501-262-2414, Thanks.