Dear Parents and Guardians of Boys and Girls Athletes Grades 7-12, Please join us for a brief meeting on Thursday night August the 13th at 6:00, at the new Eagle Arena. We will be passing out several forms that we need signed and returned ASAP. Please wear a mask and maintain social distancing guidelines. Thank You, Coaching Staff
Please check out this FAQ list for Re Entry August 2020:
Great news from the Governor and AAA!
Football season starts Monday.
Practice for Varsity starts at 7:30
Jr High will get helmets at 10am on Monday and practice schedule will be given.
Can you post the following information on the school Facebook page:
Dear parents and graduates,
I know that you are eagerly awaiting graduation on August 7th, and we are working hard to make it a success.
I just have a few guidelines that I want to share with you for graduation this year. We ask that you please adhere to these guidelines so that we can ensure the safety of all guests and students. All of these guidelines are based on guidance provided by the Arkansas Department of Education and the Arkansas Department of Health.
1. All guests and graduates will be required to wear a mask to graduation and must leave their masks on throughout the ceremony.
2. All guests will have a designated seating area according to what was requested on the RSVP form. Please sit in the designated area that our ushers bring you to.
3. Please do not move any chairs or sit with any other family groups outside of the one that you have been assigned.
4. Please do not congregate together in groups before or after the ceremony.
5. We ask that you do not leave your seats during the ceremony except to go to the bathroom. You may stand to take a picture, but do not leave your seating area. Parents and family will not be permitted to go up to the stage to take pictures this year.
6. Please practice social distancing by maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet from all other guests outside of your family group.
We will have a photographer. If you would like a picture of your graduate receiving his diploma, please send $20.00 with your graduate on the day of graduation.
Thank you so much for your understanding and support. It is your cooperation that will help to make this a special day for all of our seniors.
I look forward to seeing you there!
We will have a meet and greet for or elementary and High school families to meet our new building principals Laura Baber (elem) and Matt Carter (HS). They will introduce themselves and provide our families with information they may need. They will also hand out registration packets and data sheets. The data sheets will be filled out and turned in before you leave and the Registration packets will be turned in the first day of school. The meet and greet will be in the Multi Purpose Building.
July 30, 2020
From 6:00-6:45 Families with last names that start with the letters A-H
7:00-7:45, Families with last names starting with letters I-P
8:00-8:45, Families with last names starting with letters Q-Z
Everyone who attends will be required to wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines.
CMS NEW Student registration will begin Monday, July 20th. PreK-6th grade students new to the district will register at the Elementary School. 7th-12th grade students new to the district will register at the Central Office. Hours are 7:30 am-3:00 pm. Monday-Friday. Please wear a mask and please practice social distancing. You may call 501-262-2414 for more information. Thanks!
CMS Eagles SOAR for Success Ready for Learning ReEntry Plan.
Volleyball practices for 10th-12th grade will begin Monday, July 13th from 9:45-11:45.
Volleyball practices for 7th-9th grade will begin Tuesday, July 14th from 5:00-6:30.
All practices will be in the Multi-Purpose Building. Please make sure to bring your OWN water bottle. We will have a mask for you and go over more guidelines. If you have any other questions, please email me at
Cheer practice and tryouts will be July 13-15 from 1:00-3:00 pm in the Multipurpose building. Mrs. Gilbert will be in charge of the tryouts, please reach out to her if you have any questions. Thank you.
Attention all Varsity and Jr High CMS Eagle Football players and Parents. The runway 70 has been opened and the CMS Eagles have been cleared for takeoff! We will start our pursuit of greatness on Monday July 6th
I need all that are interested in playing to attend. Our practices in July will be:
Varsity Monday-Thursday 7:30-9:30am.
Jr High Monday-Thursday 10-11am
Bring: Shirt, shorts, shoes and cleats as well as your own water bottle.
Masks will be provided
We will continue to practice the social distancing guidelines.
Coach Kinsinger
Head Football Coach
We will have a meet and greet tomorrow June 24 at 5:00 pm for our new Girls basketball Coach Matthew Graham. We encourage kids and their parents for all grades 7-12 who want to play or are interested in playing to please attend.
Live Feed Link:
New Football Coach meet and greet.
This is a reminder that we will have physicals starting at 9:00 am in the morning.
I am attaching a participation physical evaluation form that will have to be filled out and signed by the athletes parents before they can get their physical. This can be done at home and brought tomorrow, or we will have them here on hand in the morning for parents to complete. Remember this is a free physical and athletes must have a physical before August 1 to Participate.
The link to the form:
Athletes entering:
12th grade at 9:00
11th Grade at 10:00
10th Grade at 11:00
9th Grade at 12:00
8th Grade at 1:00
7th Grade at 2:00
We will be doing Athletic physicals Thursday June 11th at 9:00am in the MPB. Rachel Wallis will bring a team from Dr. Hales office over to help administer the physicals. Our Coaching Staff and our School Nurse Katee Fendley will be in attendance in order to help monitor and direct students as to where they will need to go and what they will need to do. Our parents/athletes will park in the Parking lot in front of the MPB building and remain in their cars until they are directed where to go. Physicals will be administered by grade level and we can only do 10 at a time. We will need all of our athletes to wear a mask when they are on site. The big thing will be to follow the guidelines about social distancing (6 feet apart) and for athletes to remain in their cars until it's their turn.
The schedule will be for students entering the following grades for 2020.
12th Grade - 9:00 - 10:00
11th Grade - 10:00 - 11:00
10th Grade - 11:00 - 12:00
9th Grade - 12:00 - 1:00
8th Grade - 1:00 - 2:00
7th Grade - 2:00 - 3:00
This is a great opportunity to get updated on your Physicals. We encourage all of our athletes to attend. All Athletes must have a physical by August 1st, 2020 or they can not participate in any type of physical activity or sport until they have done so.
Attention parents we need your feedback. Please complete this survey: ASAP. The form will be closed July 1, 2020.
Parents and Guardians of Cutter Morning Star Athletes.
Important Announcement about options for the 2020-2021 school year. Please follow this link for the full download:
For the online form Please follow this link:
Graduation Commencement will be August 7, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the CMS Arena!
CMSSD Newsletter May 11, 2020.
All students, if you have checked out a Chromebook, school calculator, school text books, Library books, or Mr. Cherven and Mrs. Fear's novels, please bring those things back to the High School office to be checked in by May 15th.