Mrs. Baber recognized Kachera Felts, as the October's CMS Elementary Teacher of the Month at a recent faculty meeting. Felts served on our Learning Management System Committee this summer and researched the platform that was chosen (Seesaw) and has became and continues to serve as a resource for other teachers. She serves on our Leadership Team, creates our Eagles on the Air video that we send out to parents and post on our social media and website. She steps up to volunteer and work at our Pee-Wee Football gate and when our 3rd grade class numbers kept rising, she agreed to change grade levels from 1st and 2nd to 3rd and 4th a couple of weeks before school started. When I asked her about changing grade levels she didn't even have to think about it just said I will do whatever you need me to do. She is respected by her peers, her parents and the community.